Tour at the Gallery Spencer Brownstone

Spencer Brownstone is a contemporary art gallery located in New York. Jay Cho, the director at Spencer Brownstone, took us and visit to the gallery. He showed us Ariel Orozco’s Have a Seat and Let Me Tell You. After entering the main room, you will encounter a series of circular lights. The lights embedded in the four separate panels flash slowly in a familiar pattern.

Jay mentioned the preparations for this exhibit, which tooks two days and three nights to make everything Including independent lighting fixtures embedded in lamps and a control panel behind the paint of the house.Jay told us that it’s not just as simple as putting on the drawing board, everything needs careful planning.

Jay also mention that the gallery didn’t put all investments on digital. Unlike Other galleries more focusing on sales, Spencer Brownstone focus on  specialty and programming and having strong exhibition. However, Spencer Brownstone still have website for exhibition because the whole industry is tend to have digital resource.

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